Hydraulic system of Shushtar is an ancient structure from Sassanid era consisting of 13 dams, bridges, and canals which work together as a hydraulic system. Watermills is the main parts of the system. 46 mills were working in Shushtar which played an important role in the development of the city in the past. Band-E-Mizan Dam, Shadorvan Bridge, Dariun Canal, and Watermills are the most famous parts of the hydraulic system. Karun River is divided into two parts by Band-E-Mizan in the ratio of 2 to 4 in the north of Shushtar. Gargar River branch connect to the water mills and Shoteit is another branch.The two branches meet each other in Tang Aghili area in the south of Shushtar and form the Karun River again. In fact, the engineers took the water from nature for their purposes and returned it to nature. Shushtar was an important city during history. This city was the center of Khuzestan province in Qajar period. Hydraulic system of Shushtar was registered in UNESCO list as the 10th World Heritage of Iran.